Honestly, Airbnb Prague saved my life … As my previous business rapidly declined and my family growed fast, I found the Airbnb as a chance to survive. 🙂 Thanks, guys from California!
And this is why I respect the Airbnb rules, why I am so sensitive to any trying to spare some coins on Airbnb charges by bypassing that and so…
Airbnb Prague – two years of life in the air

So – now it is two years and some days from the very beginning with four convertible IKEA chairs, second-hand bed in my first apartment and first waiting for guests in front of our old house. Now – look at this: https://www.airbnb.cz/s?host_id=3529680&s_tag=5APBpoiQ.
That´s the Airbnb and my life. Life with Airbnb Prague. Welcome to Prague! Welcome to The Magical Garden.